What Else Do i Have to Do: Welcoming Myself Back to the World of Blogging

When i first set up this blog back in 2013 (when blogging was a much bigger thing than it is now) i was posting like a crazy man! As the years rolled by, and the addictive lure of social media grew & grew, the blog posts became fewer & fewer & further & further between. As you can see if you scroll down, my last post was nearly two years ago. So yeah, they have definitely become fewer & further indeed. But cut to now (aka, this post) and i am attempting a comeback of sorts. I've tried this a few times before - to no avail - but this time i mean it. I know. I know, i've said that before. But this time i really do mean it! I know. I know. I've said that before as well. But... ya know what... this could go on forever. So let's just say, i am attempting a comeback again. Hopefully this one sticks. In the next few weeks i will be posting my 41st Annual Kevy Awards - my own Oscar alternatives that i've been giving out since i was a nerdy 17 year old hi...